Saturday, January 17, 2009


Ok, ok, I know that the northerners around here think we southern flowers are just WIMPS but you know...we just don't have enough of the cold stuff to develop the rhino skin we need to not FEEL the cold! So here I sit in my long-sleeved nightie with my new capelet around my shoulders, my flannel lap quilt over my feet and my very fuzzy Lolly Belle snuggled up close on them. The electric oven is on low to help warm the lower third of my apartment. My heating/air vents are at the top of the walls near the ceiling. Great for summer air conditioning but not too efficient in the winter. As you will all recall from elementary school science classes, heat rises. So the heat pouring forth from the vents just stays up near the ceiling. I have the 2 humidifiers going plus a pot of water on the stove to combat the dry-ness. I am a true southern gal. When the humidity gets below 50%, my lips and skin just dry up like Lake Lanier in a summer drought when the Corps of Engineers have let out too much water to the Chattahoochee River. How's THAT for a southern simile?! Just pray I don't run out of lip balm!

Another "happening" around here is that Lolly Belle Rose has broken her back canine molar. The doggie child does love to chew and has the jaws and big ol' honking teeth of a mastiff! She doesn't seem to be in pain. Perky and sassy as ever (when she's not snuggling, that is!) The vet we saw last Wednesday (Dr. Stotelmyer was off last week) said to just put water on her food to soften it up and then see Dr. S on Monday. So the plan is to go see our wonderful Dr. S on Monday to find out what to do about it.

Well that's all the news from the frozen south for now. Stay warm! p.s. Here's some pics of my A Capella Capelet that I knit over Christmas. I used vintage-like buttons I salvaged off of thrift shop garments. On Monday at the Last Chance Thrift Shop, everything is half off!
Shhh...don't the pattern author, but I like mine better :)