I have been on a seek and destroy mission this summer to get rid of the clutter. Now most people who have visited my home would probably think of it as comfortably cozy rather than cluttered ..........I hope. But the closets.
Aye, the closets.
There is a shutting down - a weight - that happens in my brain when things in the closets are out of control. So, after six and a half weeks of summer break, I am happy to report that all four closets as well as my desk drawer and sewing machine drawer are neat and tidy . Ah, what JOY! What a euphoric contentment of balance, knowing that all is right with the world now that the hidden spaces are organized! It makes my brain very happy. (big, cleansing sigh) So. Time to conquer the next problem.
Over the years, I have been very satisfied with how my jewelry has been stored and displayed on tie racks in my closet. But there is a problem. Since moving to my current home, my necklaces tarnish horribly! Hmpf. As I have long stored my pins in nifty hanging canvas bags, I got to thinking and wondering if they made something for necklaces and bracelets. GOOGLE! And do you know what I found out? They DO! Then I had to exercise a little (ugh) self control. I could go to the Container Store and buy a couple OR order them off Amazon for a whole lot cheaper (using the trade-in credit I received for the DVD's, etc. I had cleared out of the sunroom closet) and wait patiently for a few days. I am happy to say, patience triumphed.
I received them yesterday and got busy today implementing the plan. One thing the ones at the Container Store had were pockets at the bottom. The less expensive ones on Amazon didn't.
So I added some lovely fabric ones with my trusty sewing machine and I'm quite please with the result. These pockets can hold items like my shawl stick that can't hang . I discovered by rearranging my pins in the two older pin hangers that I had room to put coiled necklaces! Also, the two older hangers are longer than the newer ones and so by sandwiching them, the necklaces hanging below the bottom of the shorter ones are protected! I chose to only add pockets to one side so I could have the pockets facing each other creating a flat outer side.
(contented sigh). :>D