Saturday, December 16, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Lolly is quite excited about Christmas this year. One of her favorite holiday activities is helping me wrap presents. Of course, her idea of “help” is a little different from mine! Every time I turn around, she is there with a snippet of ribbon in her mouth or a piece of wrapping paper dangling from her lower lip. The other night, after shooing her away for about the fourteenth time, I looked up and here she comes down the hallway with a long streamer of toilet paper in her mouth as if to say, “HEY! If you won’t let me have any of that bright shiny stuff, I’ll get my own paper!” If you looked up the word “persistent” in the dictionary, it would probably have her picture next to it!

She has a favorite new Christmas tree ornament. It is a fuzzy moose that sings, “O, Christmas Tree” in a very gruff moose-ish voice. She is fascinated by it. Every time I pass the tree and squeeze its tummy, she comes running and stands on her hind legs to see and hear it. Let’s hope her persistence doesn’t allow her to figure out how to get up there and then try to make it “sing” by herself!

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