Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My Versatility +!

What a beautiful shawl by LeTonBeau! Here is a link to LeTonBeau's Versatility. Be sure to check out her pictures so you can see what the finished product looks like! As I am a larger woman, I added a repeat of the cable/bobble section so it would be wider. Here’s the first 24 rows of the main section…
My very first bobbles and cables! Can you see them? Can’t WAIT to get it finished!
P.S. If you are new to chart reading, don’t forget that you must read the chart from bottom to top AND you must read the odd rows left to right and the even rows RIGHT to LEFT. Otherwise, you will come out with wrong stitch counts and things (bobbles and cables) won’t match up!

1 comment:

Guinevere said...

That is so pretty, Robin! It's amazing that this is something you've only been doing about 2½ years. The instructions alone would have fried my brain!