Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Tea Party for the Girls...

At our annual Christmas party, (considering my penchant for collecting tea cups and tea pots) Sandy suggested we have a tea party. So we did! Last Saturday, June 30, I had "the girls" over for tea. It was so much fun! I had collected hats from thrift shops all through the winter and spring and then spiffed them up with remnants from Hancock's 75% off bin. The rule was, if you had to pick up a hat to sit down then you had to wear it! Everyone was a good sport and at least put them on long enough for a picture. I made some yummy treats, including Lancashire Cheese Scones. My favorite part was introducing different kinds of teas from the different tea rooms Melody and I have visited this year. I printed the menu including the tea names on little note cards with Victorian ladies on the covers. Even though I didn't get everything baked that I had originally intended (the power went off Saturday morning for a time!), we had plenty of eatables.

Sharon has a great aversion to being photographed. I don't know why...she is so beautiful!

Kathy has the most tender heart of anyone I know. Her thoughtfulness and love for her family and friends are beautiful examples of living in Christ's life. What a dear blessing she is to us all.

I love Paula's "spice"! (in brown top, putting on straw hat) If she lived in old testament times, I think God would have made her a prophet as she sees straight to the heart of matters. She has so many talents and gifts. I love that she is not afraid of asking tough questions that others shy away from verbalizing. Her courage and tenacity makes us all think deeper.

Beside her (in the red hat) is Lois, our story-teller. She always keeps us in stitches with her exploits. Having raised three girls, she always knows what girls need. Her strength of character and gentle manner make me think of the epitimal "southern woman" who loves the Lord and the people He has put in her life. You go girl!
Charlotte and Lolly sharing a moment of "conversation".
Charlotte (in the purple hat) not only has a marvelous, generous heart for people but understands that puppies need "heart" too!

Cathy (red pants sand beige top) is a lady through and through. She has a beautiful and gracious way of letting the Lord breathe and shine through her that is a real encouragement to me!

This group of ladies is the best! If I had to summerize them in one word, that word would be "strength". Strong wills, strong purpose, strong ties, strong personalities, strong love for the Lord, strong love for their families, strong commitment to each other. All fully aware of the strength of the Lord. ...strong. I like that word!

We always have so much fun together, never lacking for conversation. They are incredible...so supportive, so caring...everything you think of when you stop to consider what kind of people you want surrounding you! I am so blessed to know them! I thank the Lord for each and every one of them.

I am very thankful that Melody was once again able to join us. She was an amazing blessing when she arrived early and helped with the last minute preparations. Afterwards, she delighted me by making a delicious supper of steak, baked potatoes, and salad. It had to be the best meal I had had in a long time. She is an incredible cook. Bless her heart, she even did a bit of washing up....well, the poor thing had to in order to be able to get in the kitchen and cook! Every tiny fragment of counter space was covered up by then. What a good sister she is! I really appreciate her and Doug making the extra effort it took to come as they had to drive over from North Carolina that morning - a 5 hour drive! - in order to be there!
Afterwards, Lolly and I enjoyed a good and truly restful sabbath with plenty of time for fond reflections on the "doings". What a great memory to carry forward through the summer!


kate said...

and how eloquontly told! good story, aunt robin.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Robin, thank you so much for the delightful tea party! You covered every detail and it was a real treat! Thanks for all the hard work you put into it!


Anonymous said...


Thanks so much for all your hard work and the delightful tea party. We truly felt pampered as you missed no detail.


Anonymous said...

Well, as you can see, this is the first time I have ever posted and seemed to have done it twice.... and now three times - but it was worth it!